The Dirt on Blackheads
Avoiding close-ups because of those pesky blackheads? Find out what’s going on so you can take the spotlight back.
What are blackheads?
Blackheads are small black dots that appear on your skin.
What causes blackheads?
Like zits, blackheads can show up when excess oil on your skin blocks pores. When the oil and dead skin cells are exposed to air, they turn black.
Blackhead treatment: To squeeze or not to squeeze
It’s tempting, but resist the urge! Squeezing out blackheads might actually make them worse, because your hands carry more bacteria and oil that can clog pores.
How to prevent blackheads
By helping to keep pores clear of oil and skin cell build-up. Use oil-free skin care and beauty products that contain anti-acne ingredients like salicylic acid, and wash your face with a medicated cleanser. You can also exfoliate to help remove dead skin cells.
Which blackhead cleanser should I use?
Cleansers with salicylic acid get rid of the excess oil on your skin while unclogging pores, helping to keep those unwelcome blackheads away. CLEAN & CLEAR® Advantage Blackhead Clearing Scrub works like a charm in banishing pesky blackheads.
How Breakouts Begin
Pimples appear when pores get clogged with oil and dead skin cells, causing bacteria to grow. But what exactly makes oil go into overdrive?
Name That Spot
You might be having a breakout or just a single zit. But do you know exactly what kind of blemish you’re facing? Knowing what you’re up against is the first step to treating your acne.
How to Remove Make-Up
No matter how tired you might be, it’s always a good idea to remove your make-up before letting your head hit the pillow.